Compassion Fatigue & It’s Impact on You and Service Families
This session will cover important, not-often talked about issues facing funeral professionals today such as compassion fatigue and setting boundaries. The presenters will share tips for recognizing the signs of compassion fatigue and advice for pushing through it to help yourself and everyone around you. They will talk about how boundaries are important in protecting […]
Resiliency in Crisis with the Mental Health Association of Canada
The pandemic is an epidemiological crisis but also a psychological crisis for business owners and employees alike. This workshop will provide tools to; deal with anxiety, lead a team remotely, manage emotions, and foster resilience in yourself and your employees. This workshop will provide tools to; deal with anxiety, lead a team remotely, manage emotions, […]
Boundaries: A Necessary Life Skill to Master & How it Applies at Work
This course will cover boundaries and how they improve and enhance relationships. They are respectful and help us create a strong sense of self. Boundaries can help us to work better and prevent burn-out. COURSE OBJECTIVES The definition of boundaries and why they are necessary. How to distinguish the different types of boundaries. Learning the […]
Dealing with Suicide of a Director: Compounding Mental Health Effects & Advice
Mike experienced something inside of his business that now, looking back he sees things he didn’t see – or didn’t act on before. During this session, he’s sharing his story. In February of 2020, while Mike was out of town, a funeral director at the funeral home committed suicide on location where the office manager […]
Managing Workplace Stress
Learn about the sources, symptoms and implications of stress in the workplace. The program puts an emphasis on both understanding and practical tools. Participants learn techniques that can be used to manage stressful situations and reduce the impact of day-to-day stress on health and productivity. You will learn to: Measure stress levels Recognize the sign and symptoms […]